
Showing posts from February, 2022

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‘Top up’ your existing qualifications for a full BA degree on our one-year Specialist Hair and Media Make-up top-up course. Perfect your practical skills , meet industry experts and develop a specialism through your own in-depth research project. Kick-start a career as a physiotherapist by studying our Physiotherapy degree. This course will give you advanced training to diagnose and rehabilitate across a range of conditions, aiding recovery from surgery, accidents, strokes or sports injuries and supporting people with disabilities. Digital Marketing Management Msc ‘Top up’ your existing qualifications for a full BSc degree on our one-year Food and Nutrition course. Deepen your understanding of nutritional science and current issues in the sector, with insight from guest lecturers and the latest industry research. ‘Top up’ your existing qualifications for a full BA degree on our one-year Culinary Arts Management course. Build upon your current skills to prepare you for management le